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  • Writer's picturePremier One Financial Company

3 Key Things to do Before You Retire

Updated: Jun 9, 2022

There are several other things for you to consider. In this article, we'll discuss three of the most important ones:

Understand your daily expenditure

Most people don't bother to note just how much they spend daily. They just shell out funds as the need arises, hoping that their savings will be enough to bail them out whenever they're running too close to the red.

But, the knowledge of retirement should inspire more practicality and thoughtfulness.

After you retire, and the paychecks stop coming in, will you still have additional sources of income. If you do, will it suffice to cater to your needs? Even more importantly, how long will the funds last?

Consider your finances

Long before the age of retirement comes rolling in, you should begin a thorough review of your assets and your income sources post-retirement.

Perhaps, you've been thinking that social security checks will be enough to see you through the period.

Maybe you have a solid pension scheme in place that you're relying on. Nevertheless, this method isn't as common as it once was. So, you've got to dig a little deeper.

Consider what your assets are worth, if you have any. Even if you have hundreds of thousands of dollars stored in cash, you can't seriously consider withdrawing a small portion of it annually to beef up your income with.

Given that market forces often affect the value of money, you might be making a loss each year. That is to say, one hundred dollars this year might not be worth exactly one hundred dollars the following year, as the market can result in severe value drops.

So, make sure that you carry out a thorough review of your finances and assets before retirement.

Know where you stand regarding tax

A lot of people make crucial errors when planning for retirement. They consider all the basic elements including financing, income and assets. But then, they fail to consider their tax situation, and the potential implications of taxing further down the line.

For instance, deferred taxes on retirement savings plans does not mean that you'll enjoy a reduced tax bracket after you've retired. In most cases, the opposite is the case, as many other factors contribute to it.

For example, your additional sources of income directly affect the percentage of your taxable social security funding.

Also, you should consider that after clocking 72 years, RMD (required minimum distribution) affects retirement savings accounts, like your 401k account. You'll be forced to withdraw a fixed amount annually. And, this could get you being lumped into the high end of the tax bracket, depending on your other incomes.

This is why you need to contact us at Premier One Financial Company for consulting and advice regarding retirement.


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